Saturday, July 7, 2007

Sort of Cinderella...(Fruits Basket)

There lived a beautiful girl named Cinderella(Saki Hanajima),she has two step sis(Tohru Honda)and (Minami Kinoshita)and step mother(Arisa Uotani)....One day,they were invited to a ball room partybut stepmother doesnt wan Cinderella to come along but anyway Cinderella doesnt wan to follow,when they left...that leaves Cinderella alone in the house,no longer comes out her fairy god father(Yuki Sohma) he introduce himself and she wished to have a bowl of ramen -_-"

god father:aren't you suppose to wish wo go to the ball room dance

but she insisted to hv a bowl of ramen...anywayshe wen to the ball room party.when she arrives she just started to eat...n some sort of a servant(Yuki Sohma)

Servant:here comes the prince(Kyo Sohma)

n when all the girls ask him for a dance he said rudely NO! but when Cinderella's step sis(Tohru Honda)asked him he said NO! too n when she turned back he realize that wasnt jus other girls(in the manga n the show he likes her)so he said "no no i would like to hv dat dance"but she sounds like didnt care 'bout wat is he saying and the whole party was a diasaster


Audience 1:wow!it is "sort of cinderella",no wonder....

Friday, June 22, 2007

sort of Cinderella (fruits basket)to b cont..

Main characters
Main article: Fruits Basket characters

Tohru Honda (本田 透, Honda Tōru?) Voiced by: Yui Horie (Japanese), Laura Bailey (voice actress) (English)
An orphaned high school student, Tohru ends up living in the same house with Shigure, Yuki and Kyo Sohma. She loves to cook, is an excellent housekeeper, and has an after school job as a custodian to help pay her tuition fees (since she doesn't want to be a burden on her grandfather). She is always polite, and is extremely kind, loving, and naive; in fact, the other characters sometimes have to tell her that she needs to look out for her own interests. She wishes to break the curse that engulfs the Sohma family.

Yuki Sohma (草摩 由希, Sōma Yuki?) Voiced by: Aya Hisakawa (Japanese), Eric Vale (English)
Yuki is the rat of the zodiac. Known as "Prince Charming" or "The Prince" at school, Yuki is very attractive and refined, and has many admirers at school, but has a hard time being social. He wishes that he could be with people as friends, rather than admired and worshiped from afar, no thanks to his infamous fan club. Yuki has suffered a traumatic childhood at the hands of Akito, the head of the Sohma clan, who locked him up and tortured him. Because of this, Yuki has a somewhat low sense of worth and is claustrophobic. With Tohru's help, however, Yuki is gradually able to loosen up. He is jealous of Kyo because he thinks Kyo can have a normal life, which is something Yuki has always wanted. He is often considered "absolutely the most adorable little mouse in the world" when he is crying in the manga.

Kyo Sohma (草摩 夾, Sōma Kyō?) Voiced by: Tomokazu Seki (Japanese), Jerry Jewell (English)
Kyo is the cat, an animal not in the zodiac, but which legend says would have been if it had not been tricked by the rat into missing the induction feast. Kyo hates Yuki and is determined to defeat him before high school ends. After the alleged suicide of his mother, and abandonment of his father, Kyo has hated Yuki for everything wrong with his life. He made a bet with Akito: if he defeats Yuki before he finishes high school, he'll officially be accepted along with the other Jyuunishi by the Sohmas. If he does not, however, Kyo would be forced to live in a small room, hte neko/cat room, within the Sohma estate for the rest of his life, which means being locked up in a cage made specially for the cat Jyuunishi. Despite many months of strict training, Kyo has never managed to even land a decent blow on Yuki. Kyo runs away even from the people that want to help him, because he is ashamed of his true form, which he turns into when his rosary bead bracelet made from the bones of a miko (the red ones are blood stained) is removed. When Tohru sees his true form, however, she still accepts him and begs him to stay with her, which forms a bond of sorts between the two. He wants to be appreciated and be special like Yuki. Orange is his natural hair color; a fact proven by Haru. Tohru's favorite zodiac animal, as a child, was the cat.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

June 10 2007

(today)yesterday me n my family watch pirates of caribbean
i hv also watched with my frens within the holidays
but dis time(yesterday) my sis tell my mum n dad
2 wait 4 a little while so v wait
as v noe after william turner dies
capt. jack sparrow use his hand n stab davy jones heart
so william turner became the nxt capt. of the flying dutchman
it was like this

(After 10 yrs, elizabeth swann had a son with
william turner
n they waited 4 him 2 came back(he came back))
10 yrs at sea 1 day at shore...

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


masimaro+ichigo=ichigo mashimaro!
i feel vry wu liao
June 6th
still vry boring+wu liao
jus cant wait till sat cos can go movie wif
my family again
n den so more so sad watching dis new hk series
'heart of greed' vry sad but vry interesting
but there r still some characters i hate a lot!!!
this series makes me laugh at the front
but at the back wen the 1st wife died was really sad
cos without her jus cant stop the second wife
feel so uncomfy

this series is quite popular
actually this series tells not to be too greedy
selfish ....
okla dats all la nd to go n watch my fav show
gtg tata.....

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

June 6 2007

i m so miserable....b4 dat let me show u guys something...
wat r true frens:


those days has pass again...

its getting boring

can i ask something

would u cry on something small?

i felt a little lonely these days..

i get so angry n cry so fast could help me

or try to make me laugh cos i love to laugh...

ok....i'll cont dis tomoro tata

2 b cont..hehe

Monday, June 4, 2007

June 4 2007

ask u guys something

Q-why is the ocean blue?

A-(a fish told me)bloop..bloop..bloop(

today...still vry boring again nothing special

anyway days r going to change this wk my sis jus bought hana kimi

it'll be so much better!

ella is jus so funny!!i luv SHE well nothing really good to write

after holidays v r back to school...oya dat time ice skating was really fun

but my leg hurts...(sobb)

Sunday, June 3, 2007


sun,raining....quite heavy
yesterday's whether was really bad....wake up on computer...den watch tv ...again with the computer...deneat -eat chicken(lunch)-porridge,rain....on computer chicken(dinner) PCK...den go sleep...zZ
the ahma come back!!!but this time she looked diff..her hair long n straight(black)she wear skirt!wear like young lady!!too shock!!